
I am Arjun Gullbadhar a ML Engineer a Pythonista a Developer

  • ML Engineer
  • Pythonista
  • Developer

Arjun Gullbadhar

Machine Learning Engineer

Hi I am Arjun Gullbadhar, a CSE graduate from Chandigarh University.My unequivocal love for Coding keeps me engaged as I am always building something cool.I can code in C,C++,Java but I prefer Python as my primary language,as it is a swiss army knife in the world of coding.I love Machine Learning.The ability to predict outcomes from the available data and teach machines without explicitly telling them what to do really fascinates me.

My love for coding always pulls me towards hackathons as that is the place where you start from scratch and build something awesome and meet awesome people who are doing the same.

  • Python
  • C/C++
  • SQL
  • Sklearn
  • Pandas
  • Numpy
  • Matplotlib
  • Seaborn
  • Beautifulsoup
  • Flask
  • Selenium
  • Git
  • NLTK


Web Automation

Web Scraping

Data Preprocessing

Machine Learning

Feature Engineering


My Projects.

Gun Detection in CCTV

Detecting Guns in cctv cameras using tensorflow and linking it to a chain of cameras,decreasing the threshold percentage of probability when one of the camera detects gun and sends an alert to the concerned authority.

Customer Loyalty Prediction

Developed an algorithm to predict the loyalty of a customer, based upon a dataset of ~140000 rows and multiple parameters. Random Forest algorithm was used after feature engineering and selection using library “featuretools”.

Cryptocurrency Scraper

Comparing every cryptocurrency's international and Indian market's price every 30 seconds and predicting the price of Indian market based on the movement of the International market.

OCR Vision with NLP Summarization

Used the Google Vision Api to capture and detect text from images and then used NLTK library to Lemmatize, remove stop words and punctuations and then tokenize it to create a word cloud.

Stock Market Prediction using Keras

Used Keras's Lstm and ARIMA model for predicting stock market price.(Built during Techgig Machine Learning Code Gladiators Hackathon)

Malware Infection Prediction

Developed a machine learning algorithm to predict the probability of a device to be affected by a malware. The dataset consisted of 200 different parameters and ~ 2 lakh rows. A blended solution of KNN and Random Forest was used for analysis. The metric used for evaluation was ROC-AUC.

My Achivements


Get In Touch.



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Fazilka, Punjab, INDIA

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